Tuesday, 26 February 2008

How sweet is that?!

If you ignored the 'it's just a message and will only irritate' message and actually listened to the 'utter' at the top of the page (and sorry to waste your time with an answer phone greetings message, but I did warn you). But if you have, you'll hear how professional it is.

I like it. Even more, I like the fact that it's an introductory present from a couple of voice over artists. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, that it's the nicest business-related present I've yet had. As they said

Emma’s done a custom phone greeting for you. We’ve attached it as an mp3; hope you can find a use for it. It’s a small bribe to make you feel warm and gooey towards us! (Maybe you never use voiceovers – it’s ok, use the greeting anyway.)

How sweet is that? See Emma Thurston's website and Colin Day's website.

At the same time David Petherick introduced me to utterz.com, hence the new widget on the page. Hence the test. Hence the irritating bit of audio you listened to (don't deny it). Hence this explanation.

Utterz seems like an interesting combination of radio, conversation and messaging. You can post a message, pic or video from your mobile phone to use it on their site, or to post out to your own site. It might be something we use with our media simulation work, when we have to feed back from a muddy field in the middle of Wiltshire.... but that's another story.

In the meantime, I need to work out the video equivalent of Emma and Colin's present. Is there one? Answers on a postcard. Or via an utter. Or maybe even a video postcard. Now there's a thought...

[Stop press: utterz doesn't seem to be working so i've removed it for the minute until I work out what's wrong.]