Thursday, 30 April 2009

Class one in any Film 101 course usually involves some kind of 'edit in camera' task. Like - forget loads of takes shot out of sequence, let's decide what we're gonna film, then film it in order, one take straight into the camera, take the film out, hit play: there's your film.

So what's the equivalent for class one on the Music Video 101 course?

If you were good. Like very good. It might end up like Nyle captured by Last Pictures. Filmed in one take, with the audio captured at the same time. The film is superb, Nyle's performance is superb, the singing and playing is superb... shame the song is a bit lame. But whatever - ENJOY:

Nyle "Let The Beat Build" from Nyle on Vimeo.

(Thanks to Alexandra Lexitricity for the recommend)